Dear Mt. Hood community:

We will be tackling the #MeToo issue/debate in earnest in our Feb. 2 issue.

While we are drafting our own editorial and news coverage, we would greatly appreciate any/all input from Mt. Hood students, faculty staff, and anyone else who wishes to speak up. The debate itself is largely centered on improved communication and having voices heard, and this is our sincere goal.

We invite anyone who wishes to contribute to address one, or more, of these topics:


  • Me too stories – personal experiences you feel compelled to share;
  • What can be done to educate children/youths on critical issues of consent, respect and equity in personal/sexual relationships;
  • Thoughts on equity in the workplace, equity in the classroom (i.e. men will speak up/speak over more in class environments than women), and specifically, equity at MHCC;



  • Experiences on how this gender power imbalance can disrupt learning, best with actual examples and situations;



  • What can be done to enforce consent, respect, and equity in the classroom, and in student organizations (clubs, athletics, et al.);



  • Any other relevant observations/advice on the issue.


Feel free to participate in the Advocate’s conversation, using one of these options:

  1. Email the Advocate:  [email protected]
    1. Reach us on our Facebook page:


  • Submit a formal Letter to the Editor:  All submissions must be typed and include the writer’s name and information (contact information will not be printed unless requested). The Advocate will not print any unsigned submission. Letters should not exceed 300 words – and may be edited by the Advocate for style, punctuation, grammar and length. Email or deliver to the Advocate office, Room 1369.


Deadline for publication in Feb. 2 issue is noon Tuesday, Jan. 30.

  1. Submit a guest column:  Same rules as for Letter to the Editor, except limit is 600 words.  Deadline for publication in Feb. 2 issue is noon Tuesday, Jan. 30.

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