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Twenty One Pilots is a band that broke the charts with their fourth and most memorable album, “Blurryface,” released in 2015 – which became the first album in history in which every track received at least a gold certificate from the Recording Industry Association Of America.

If you have not heard of them you definitely need to give them a try. They’re a band that is not one single thing but a little bit of everything. They will definitely have a sound for everybody!

Recently Twenty One Pilots released their new album, “Scaled and Icy,” which in my opinion is an amazing work. It’s something I love to listen to in my free time because the majority of the songs are great to listen to and just have a nice vibe about them that can’t be described, but only felt by the listener. Songs such as “Mulberry Street,” “Saturday,” “Shy Away” and “Choker” are just a few examples of tunes that will get you in the mood to either dance or clean the whole house if (you’re anything like me).

But don’t just take my word for it; the whole album is special, not just to the band itself, but for their fandom as well, because, at least to me, it shows growth and change and that sometimes we can all use a bit of light when it gets too dark.

The album itself is upbeat and colorful, a completely different take from the band’s past albums and also a nice contrast to this year and last, with everything that has taken place. It gives a bit of hope for a brighter future where we can all go out in public again without fear and do the things we all miss most – such as seeing artists perform live, because, I don’t know about you, but I miss concerts dearly.

Speaking of concerts, on May 21, Twenty-One Pilots hosted a livestream concert I was able to watch. And for those who also saw the beauty this concert held, let’s take a moment or two to

just remember it all, because words leave me when I tell you that even though it was not an in-person concert, it was still something to behold. The music, the choreography and the story that was told with each different song and set – it was not magical, because that word, in my opinion, is overused – but rather an experience that you hold close and don’t let go. You cherish it, because you know it won’t happen again.

This is a band that took something small and gave hope to a generation. They used their music and they gave people a voice while telling their story and though rumors float around that this album is the last one in this “story” until the next series begins, I know I won’t be the only one waiting as patiently as possible until either their new album begins, or they announce a surprise tour.

Hopefully the wait won’t be too long.

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