Everyday interactions can immediately affect you

Everyday interactions (even the minor ones) have the ability to change our day. Whether it’s someone you love, a friend or an acquaintance, they have the ability to make your mood falter.

There are people who express their anger, frustration and sadness freely, which may or may not affect the people in their direct environment. On the other hand, the freedom to laugh, cry of joy or celebrate another’s success are happy experiences that allows the chemicals in your brain to react in a way that makes you love being human.

Encountering a friendship that affects the way you think, breathe and view things differently can change you as a person.

In terms of how someone treats you, you can decide to respect someone and the way they “do things,” or you can coin them as an idiot and basically act as if you care, when you really don’t.

Sometimes, you can treat someone in a nice manner and still end up resenting them. It’s up to you to decide whether you see that person as plainly arrogant or someone who cares in a weird manner.

You, yourself, ultimately decide whether you want to be affected by someone’s mood, actions or verbal interactions with you or the environment around you. There can be someone you look up to who seemingly acts as if there’s nothing wrong, but deep down inside, they’re a total wreck.

Those you admire can change your day and make it better, and maybe they’ll convince you that life is dandy and wonderful, but also push you to live your life the way you want.

It’s awesome getting to know people you get along with, love and unconditionally care about, but it can be heartbreaking when they say things to hurt you. Family members are of guilty of this, because they care and love you so much, that they don’t want to hurt you (but inevitably do, at least once). It’s just part of having to live with them that can make you go a little crazy at times, but in the end, you know they’re family and they always will be.

No matter what, emotions are what make us human and sometimes, you just have to step up to the plate and get over any anger you may have.

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