Letter to the editor: Culture of Arrogance

The following is (obviously) satire.

Please join President Derr and board member Jim Zordich in the Town and Gown Chamber for April’s Culture of Arrogance presentation.

You will learn about the Platinum Rule – to treat others better than you expect to be treated, and how this rule applies only to those who are not President Derr and Jim Zordich. You will learn that removing and hiding about six hundred newspapers and holding back about eighty of them from being mailed is not censorship, because the president only wanted to have a discussion with the editors to express her concerns about the content.

So, hundreds of newspapers were kept in MHCC’s mailroom in violation of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Whatever.

You will also learn that at least one board member believes that ordering the removal of the newspapers is perhaps a way in which Zordich exercised his own free speech. Very cool! Now you all have permission to remove printed material on campus if you do not like the content! It’s your free speech!

Every attendee must bring a copy of the Bill of Rights to the presentation. The documents will be confiscated and placed in MHCC’s mailroom until Dr. Derr can express her concerns about the content included in the Bill of Rights.

Chris Jackson

Instructor, philosophy and religion

Mt. Hood Community College

[email protected]


  1. STRAIGHTOUTOFSWANSEA June 3, 2016 at 6:56 pm

    How is it I’m not surprised. The corruption and Country Club mentality are strong with these two as well as their minions. Well….just fire some more Serfs and defer maintenance. That will cover the next round of raises for Management. After the buildings actually fall down we’ll hold class in the parking lot. As long as there’s cash for a new coffee shop or other pressing matters all is well. Anyone who wouldn’t play along was allowed to resign before being terminated. Now all that’s left is for the rats to begin feasting upon each other yum yum.

  2. No Accountability if you are a manager or board member May 16, 2016 at 11:33 am

    A good question, and if they did, no one will do a thing about it. It is all part of the Culture of Excellence: Accountability is for the employees.

    No one in management will call the SOS, because managers can and will do whatever they want to.

    Remember Zordich come election time, if he runs again.

  3. Did Zordich and Derr violate public law? April 18, 2016 at 1:14 pm

    ORS 260.432(1) states that a person – including public employers and elected officials – may not require a public employee to promote or oppose any political committee or any initiative, referendum or recall petition, ballot measure or candidate.

    Did MHCC violate this law when “a mailroom employee … was instructed to “pull everything you see that looks like this,””, in order to prevent possibly negative (mis)information from reaching the public and possibly influencing the vote?

    Will a board member call the Secretary of States Office to have this investigated, or do they only do that when they want to discredit faculty?

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