It was not that long ago when President Trump himself told a rally of people that the Democratic party’s politicization of the coronavirus was a “Democrat hoax.”

Nearly two months later, people are getting stimulus checks to make up for work layoffs and furloughs. Top experts like Dr. Anthony Fauci and the World Health Organization (WHO) predict that the pandemic in its current state will not end anytime soon, and reports are coming in that the virus will come back in stages that coincide with typical (autumn/winter) flu seasons, making it even more dangerous.

But the front line of news is coming in the way of these daily White House press conferences held by Trump, where he does his typical pointing-and-describing method of speech: the virus cure is coming and it’s going to be “tremendous” and the numbers will go down and it’s “gonna be beautiful, folks.”

At this point, the president is doing the best he can, considering he isn’t an actual scientist or doctor and taking the advice of Fauci, and Dr. Deborah Birx, is the best thing he can do right now.

But recently, Trump, his inner circle of business CEOs and some state governors are calling for a reopening of the economy. It’s objectively too soon, considering certain institutions are preparing for social distancing continuing into the next year, as experts have already predicted that the virus won’t be eliminated anytime soon.

What is especially concerning is the amount of egging on the elites have done to prod citizens protesting stay-at-home orders. I think that these CEOs and other elitists who are calling for the economy to open have a case of cognitive dissonance. They aren’t willing to see the horror that this pandemic has created, from a medical or social standpoint.

Reopening the economy means we go back to Step One of the pandemic, and action would again have to be taken when the virus spreads again. I see the call to open the country back up as a dog whistle for these higher-ups to making their money again, plain and simple.

Donald Trump, who always was, and still is, an elite 1-percenter, is no exception to this. Since the beginning of the pandemic affecting the United States, his biggest priority was the economy, and both he and the U.S. Senate were not hesitant to put trillions of dollars into the stock market.

When we are in the midst of an event as big as this, it’s fair to be concerned for the economy. But people who aren’t in the same tax bracket as these CEOs and TV hosts are being hit the hardest. The people who are demanding to go back to work should redirect their anger to their Senate members who are promoting and passing these weak stimulus bills – because sacrificing your loved one to the Dow Jones index isn’t going to make the bottom line go up.

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