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District board passes 'college services' fee

Ron J. Rambo Jr.
The Advocate

The MHCC District board has created a new college services fee, which will begin with summer term, and has also approved an increase in distance learning fees.

At the Feb. 11 district board meeting, Dean of Student Services Robert Cox proposed there be one student services fee that envelopes many of the items that other current fees pay for.

“A single college services fee would eliminate the need for individual fees that students pay, such as testing, registration, transcript and graduation fees,” said Cox. “All of those would be lumped into this. Most colleges in Oregon have fees similar to this one.”

Even though the proposal for the $25 fee indicated it will cover transcripts, students would still have to pay a $2.50 processing fee for their transcripts.
“There is no way to get rid of it,” MHCC President John Sygielski said.

The fee will be $25 per term for credit-seeking students, Cox said.

Larkin Franks, interim vice president of instruction, presented an increase of the distance learning fee, stating the college would see increasing revenue.

“If we increase our distance learning fee from the current $25 to the proposed $30 for spring term, and all of our projected 1,700 students sign up for an online course, we would see an increase in revenue from $42,000 to $51,000,” said Franks.

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