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Photos by John Tkebuchava/The Advocate
Students flirt during "Speed Dating" Monday afternoon in the Jazz Cafe.

Students are treated to speed dating on campus

By John Tkebuchava
The Advocate

Students gathered in the Jazz Café Monday at noon to participate in a speed dating event hosted by the Student Activities Board.

About 15 minutes into the event, nearly 20 people had gathered in the café, which was decorated with balloons and tables set with linens and chocolates, all in the Valentine colors of pink, red and purple.

Couples (though some speed-dated in threesomes) conversed until a bell rang after two minutes, switching up the groups.

Along the side of the room, students could treat themselves, or their love interests, with heart-shaped cookies and red punch.

If students did find someone they were interested in, small slips of paper were at each table where they could leave their names and phone numbers for the other student.

Although some participants appeared interested in meeting new people, others (some already with boyfriends/girlfriends) had come just to "screw around," as one group of girls, who wished to remain anonymous, put it.

Asked why he had come, Florine Plesa said, "To fall in love." His friend, Rubin Rotari, quickly added, "I came to find the 'one'," and both grinned broadly.

At each bell, students moved to new group, whether they were of opposite sex or not, and jokingly discussed their complicated love lives and cracked cheesy pick-up lines, all the while professing love-at-first-sight.

By 12:25 p.m., students who had gone through all the groups began to filter out back into the hallways as a few curious others peeked in.

The event was the first of this week's homecoming events along with Monday's "Pajama Day" and karaoke on Wednesday. Casino Night was scheduled for Thursday and the Friday events include a Player-Student luncheon from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Vista and the Homecoming Dance, which will also be at Vista from 8-10 p.m.

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