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Retired payroll manager excited to move onto next stage of life


by Jill-Marie Gavin
The Advocate

After 38 years of working for MHCC, Becky Weisen retired from her position as Manager of Payroll and Benefits on May 1.

Weisen said she was hoping to slip out the back door unnoticed, and even requested to not have a phone or an extension through June 29, the date she'll be leaving MHCC after working part-time to train her replacement Debbie Leingang, who has been selected as her replacement.

Weisen took over Leingang's cubicle on the first when Leingang moved into Weisen's office.

In 1974, Weisen was hired as a cashier for the business office, which is now the student services office. She said she started in the payroll department in 1976 and was promoted to manager of payroll and benefits in 1986.

Weisen said, "I've been blessed with a great staff and co-workers." She said she will miss them the most.

Weisen also added the influence of MHCC students on her work. "I have enjoyed my long tenure here at MHCC because of all the great energy that students have contributed to this great academic environment," said Weisen.

Asked what she won't miss, she said the rigorous deadlines of payroll.

"Working in payroll is a lot of pressure." Weisen said, "People have to get paid. The pressure of deadline is high when you have 1,700 people on waiting for paychecks."

She said during the snowstorm four years ago, her husband, who works for Trimet, had to drop her off at campus at 3 a.m. because she still had to get payroll done.

When she leaves the college for good Weisen said she plans on laying low and doing some volunteer work. Weisen said her husband is retiring in September and until then she plans to volunteer at a hospital. She said she always wanted to be a nurse and now she has free time to help out. Weisen said she started taking classes at MHCC but never finished her degree and said that's one of her biggest regrets.

Leingang said, "I'm so grateful for her help and I wish I had more time with her."

Associate director of Human Resources Sheri Mosher said, "She has been an expert in her field. We have worked together for over 30 years and I will miss her very much."

Mosher also said she wishes Weisen the very best. She also said of Leingang, "Debbie has been a great addition to the team and she will serve as a great replacement."

Weisen said she is excited about moving on to the next stage of her life. She said of leaving the college, "I always say that I was raised here, I was married here. I had kids here and I had grandkids here, but I will not die here."

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