About Us

The Advocate newspaper team is a vibrant collective of enthusiastic and dedicated students at Mt. Hood Community College who have a passion for journalism and creating a community. Experience and partake in journalism with us, and help shape the future of our school and communities!

The Advocate Newspaper has been bringing stories to students and surrounding communities to the public since 1953. We hope you will join us for a bright and hopeful future.

We are always searching for creatives to join our team! We welcome any writers, photographers, artists, videographers, and everything in-between! No experience required.

If you are interested, reach out to us at [email protected] to get started.

Alternatively, come to one of our regular meetings, Mondays and Tuesdays at noon, in Room 1369 to meet the team and see what it’s all about.

We simply LOVE to create. We welcome any current students, from whatever background to join.
Tuition waivers, work study and student aide positions are available to help pay your way through school. This is a great opportunity to work with a fun team of like-minded creatives doing things that matter, as we cover topics that YOU are passionate about and serve the Mt. Hood community.

We look forward to hearing from you!