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Valentine's Day kicks off Homecoming Week events

By Mike Mata
The Advocate

The Student Activities Board will follow this week's string of festivities with MHCC's Homecoming Week.

Starting Monday, aka St. Valentine's Day, SAB will initiate Homecoming Week with Speed Dating in the Town and Gown Room from noon to 1 p.m.

Students will have notecards to exchange numbers or take notes. The ladies will be seated while the menfolk make the rounds every one to two minutes.

Those who make a "love connection" have the chance to win gift cards to restaurants.

There will be karaoke Wednesday in the Vista Dining Center from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Students and staff can choose from more than 130,000 songs on a database that refreshes every month using the Internet.

The Casino Night is in the College Center on Thursday from 4-7 p.m. and will have five blackjack tables, one poker table, a roulette table and possibly a craps table, according to Associated Student Government's Director of Student Activities Board Leigh Oliver.

The festivities will end Friday with a Player-Student luncheon, where basketball players will meet and eat with other students at a meal that will feature spaghetti, Alfredo and a vegetarian Alfredo free for students as well as the Red and Black Party Homecoming Dance from 8 -11 p.m. in Vista.

Students may wonder why Homecoming is in February instead of a more traditional month like September or October. The answer is that MHCC doesn't have a football team, so instead chooses to hold Homecoming around "Sophomore Night" when the basketball team's second-year students are honored.

"This will make it a bigger event and get the school involved more, build a bond between athletics and students," said Oliver.

"We will also have the Departmental Door Decorating contest as a different way to get the campus involved," she added. This will have instructors essentially decorating doors of the various departments throughout campus during Homecoming Week.

Each day will also have a dress-up theme as well. Monday is Pajama Day, Tuesday is Alter Ego, Wednesday is Ugly Sweater, Thursday will be Jersey Day and Friday will wrap up with MHCC Saints Spirit day.

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