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Love pictures taken in the College Center

By John Tkebuchava
The Advocate

Fifty students had their photos taken Monday in pairs or groups at the halfway point of "Love Pictures," a Student Activities Board event in the College Center.

The event was the opening event of the four-day long, "Love Week."

The pictures were free and students simply had to supply their names, emails and phone numbers. Students will be emailed when their photos are ready, and they can pick them up at the front desk in the College Center.

Students were photographed on a large purple loveseat, decorated with

Members of the MHCC photography club, "Photo Fusion," took the pictures at the event.

Student Activities Board member Keishan Dorsey, the seasonal events coordinator, headed "Love Pictures" and although she said she was satisfied by the turnout, she added that many students were too timid to get their photos taken, "Lots of people are scared to get their photos taken," she said.

Dorsey said that by providing these activities for students, SAB hopes to improve the MHCC experience. She said these are memories of MHCC that students can keep with them.

In association with SAB and "Love Pictures," and in an effort to sway the government to and better the lives of students of schools financially, the Associated Student Government also worked alongside SAB and had a booth where students could make Valentines for state senators.

The cards will be handed out to senators when MHCC students arrive Monday at the Capitol in Salem on Valentine's Day for legislative sessions.

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