Collin Kazu Lewis holding a microphone while Chelsea Allison stands next to him smiling at him.
Collin Kazu Lewis and Chelsea Allison reacting to being the elected president and vice president after announcement on Wednesday, April 24. (Photo by Megan Phelps / the Advocate)

Collin Kazu Lewis was elected and will be Associated Student Government (ASG) president for 2019-20, it was announced on Thursday, April 25.

Lewis edged out Kenneth Mendoza, 529 votes to 445 votes – roughly a 54-46% split, among 974 votes cast by MHCC students on Tuesday-Wednesday.

Chelsea Allison, who was unopposed, collected 592 votes and will serve as vice president.

The two winners thanked those who voted and pledged that they will be a voice and open resource to students next academic year, and look forward to working together.

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