As I prepare to turn 21 in a few months, I also have to prepare a handful of quick reasons to explain why I don’t plan to drink alcohol or smoke marijuana.

A lemon lime soda can cheersing with a beer mug
Graphic by Eli Rankin / the Advocate

I feel like I shouldn’t have to explain myself, yet we live in a time and place where it’s more normal to drink than to choose otherwise. I don’t think the same is true for smoking marijuana yet, but I don’t doubt that it’ll become way more common in my lifetime, especially with people my age and younger.

Every year growing up, my peers and I were given presentations on why not to drink, do drugs, drive under the influence, or get in the car with someone else who has. But as we near 21, it seems like we’re waiting to hit this milestone where we can do all the things we were told could harm us (aside from driving under the influence – and still do that, despite it being selfish and illegal).

I view turning 21 as being legally old enough to make the choice to drink and/or smoke. At the end of the day it is just a choice, but there’s this expectation built in around having your first ‘legal’ drink (because we know most people have their first drink before 21), like you’re officially being welcomed into the world of adulthood in a way that doesn’t happen when you turn 18.

The idea of drinking or doing drugs has never intrigued me and that hasn’t changed at all over time. I don’t care if other people partake in those activities responsibly, the same way that no one should bother or pressure those who don’t.

Over the past several years I’ve observed the way that irresponsible drinking and drug use has affected people in my life, so choosing to never drink or do drugs means I will never get to a point where I could use them irresponsibly. I never want the option of having these substances become a bad coping mechanism when life gets hard. 

When I have mentioned this to older people in my life they tell me it’s not that bad and that I won’t know until I try it – but if I’ve gone 21 years without it, then I don’t think I’m really missing out on much.

I don’t say all this to act like I’m better than anyone for not drinking or smoking, or to shame anyone who does. Rather, I just hope to share a reminder that not everyone wants to drink or smoke, and that’s completely okay and normal.

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