Get involved

There is a place here where you can nurture your craft, find others who can help and see if what you want to be is really what you want to be. You just have to get involved.

What we mean by getting involved is to join a club or organization at the college.

We know this is the kind of stuff that has been hammered into your skull since the beginning of high school. But we are going to tell you exactly why these things are so important, and why it’s foolish to not even consider the opportunities you have at Mt. Hood.

The list of clubs, activities and organizations at Mt. Hood is exhaustive and varied. There is everything from clubs for video game lovers, to people deriving from native islands, to groups geared to nursing, construction, writing, religions, and more.

Odds are, if you have a job you are considering or a passion you want to pursue, there is probably a club that would coincide with that. The benefit of joining a club relative to the job or interest you have is it’s a perfect and cost-free way to find out if that’s something you truly would want to invest your life in.

Some of the reporters here at The Advocate may have wished to work as a journalist before, but after experiencing what it’s really like to be on a newspaper, they have decided otherwise. This is not a negative. They got to try it out, without having to get too deep, and didn’t waste much valuable time pursuing something they wouldn’t enjoy. Regardless of what they want to do later, all have gained invaluable experience and improved various skills that will pay off for the rest of their lives.

For those who still wanted to pursue journalism, they now have experience they couldn’t find in a class and real content they can put in their resumé.

The benefits aren’t just intellectual or educational, but also are personal. This is a chance to meet other people who like what you like. Are we saying that you’ll love everybody you meet and start playing Ring-Around-The-Rosie? No, but it’s a great way for people who have the same interests to meet and help each other grow in what they love. Finding a good group and a good place on campus can turn MHCC from just a college, with the grind of classes and homework, to a second home.

This is a great chance to further yourself as an individual. Getting involved in anything takes a lot of courage. It’s very easy and comfortable to stay in our own little world and not take a leap towards something that may lead nowhere. Your abilities, people skills and confidence will evolve.

Retention rates improve as much as 70 percent for community college students involved with extra- and co-curricular activities while attending school, according to David Sussman, who oversees MHCC’s Student Union and specialized student services and has seen lives transformed.

And, if you need a little extra persuading, there is the possibility of a tuition waiver for various organizations, as well. Some tuition waivers can cover up to 12 credits per term. While this should not be your main motivation, it certainly doesn’t hurt.

We at the Advocate are thankful that besides the ability to get real journalism experience, for free, we also get a healthy portion of our tuition paid for.

We understand your very busy lives and that it’s hard to commit, but even if that’s the case, there is something just for you. Many clubs or organizations don’t require massive time commitments. Some meet only once a week. At The Advocate, we accommodate all schedules, as long as someone is willing to write, draw, design or take photos.

This is something we all should take very seriously: This is your life, and you have the opportunity to actually test out what you want to do and meet with similar-minded people. That is amazing.

You have absolutely nothing to lose, and everything to gain. If it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work, but it’s not like you will be lessened by the experience. Just sit in at a club meeting for a day and meet with the members. You may find yourself intrigued, and inspired.

Seriously, look at the club list right now, find something that pertains to you, and go for it. It will make a difference.

For an updated list of active clubs, contact adviser Meadow McWhorter at [email protected] or call 503-491-7277.

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