‘Kingsman’ is ‘ridiculous and cool’

Forget about reality. Forget about logic. Forget about science or reason; instead, let’s talk about cool – the only thing that really matters.

“Kingsman: The Secret Service” is ridiculous and cool, and personally, I enjoyed it, The movie can be summed up as a tribute to the extravagance and large-scale action of early Bond films and classic British action movies. A young intelligent, sympathetic character with street smarts, “Eggsy,” is drafted into a secret spy organization (the Kingsmen) after a member is killed. Eggsy’s father was a Kingsman who died in service and now it’s up to him to continue that legacy, find out who killed his predecessor, and be a force for good in the world … but mainly the dude is about kicking ass, cool gadgets and getting the girl(s) – which I loved.

This movie makes no attempts at realism and the viewer is left with questions such as: “Who’s out there training legless girls to fight?” “What’s the science behind people’s heads exploding from their cell phones?” and, “Was this a happy ending? – I feel like a bunch of horrible sh*t just happened.”

This movie is full of gratuitous violence; young, clever hoodlums; guns and gadgets. What I like about this the most is that that the movie knows what it is, and doesn’t try to be something it’s not. This movie is not going to win an Oscar, it’s not going to tackle any serious issues, and it’s not going to try and make you fall in love with it. Nonetheless, if you allow it to be, the movie is good. It’s nice to have movies out there that remind us to not take life so seriously and point out that what really matters is coolness: nice suits, secret passages, dope glasses, and submachine guns. I don’t know what this movie is rated, but if you’re looking for a chance to not think, this is probably for you.

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