Math instructors to lead 3 free presentations

The Dead Mathematicians’ Society is hosting three presentations that will feature math, science, technology, and engineering. All are free and open to the public and are led by MHCC mathematics instructors.

The first installment, 3:15 p.m. Tuesday in AC1575, will be an introduction to probability and will use some famous examples that demonstrate the power probability.  The speaker will be Jon Spindor. Prizes may be awarded at the end of the presentation.

The second presentation will discuss the formulas of Leonhard Euler. It will be presented by Shu Masuda and will also cover other “exotic sums.” It starts at 3:15 p.m. on Feb. 12 in AC1575.

The last presentation, also 3:15 p.m. on Feb. 26 in AC1575, will be on the mathematics of origami (folding paper) and kirigami (folding and cutting paper). Nick Chura will be the presenter.
– Mike Mata and Cameron Miller

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