For MHCC’s Jazz Band, this year’s goal was to build a larger repertoire of music and include additional public performances beyond the usual end-of-term concerts. 

The band went above and beyond its target this year, according to Dan Davey, MHCC jazz band director. Among  its expanded repertoire of music this year, Davey’s favorite piece was an arrangement he wrote of Chick Corea’s tune “Morning Sprite” from the “Acoustic Band” album. 

As for the second goal, the jazz band more than followed through. It played at three jazz festivals, shared an event with the Portland Youth Jazz Orchestra, and performed with renown jazz pianist Peter Martin. Mt. Hood’s Jazz Combo 1 performed all around Portland and the greater Portland area, at venues like The 1905, Al’s Den and Jo Bar, Davey noted.

Additionally, all of the MHCC Jazz Combos performed each term at Spinella’s in Gresham.

Some of the most noteworthy performances this year were at the Northwest Jazz Band Festival and the Oregon State Jazz Championships. The jazz band performed both events for a packed house of over 500 active listeners. They also performed as part of the Portland Jazz Festival this year

Davey sees this year as one of significant growth for all of MHCC’s ensembles and performing students. In a jazz band setting, there is often only one person playing each individual part. That puts more responsibility on each student to be present and prepared so the level of the ensemble can improve.

“Our MHCC students performed with a professionalism that I haven’t seen in my four years at the college. I look forward to more in the future,” Davey said.

All the jazz band members playing their instruments with one saxophone player standing at the front for a solo while the director conducts everyone through the music.
Jazz band performing their end of term concert in the College Theatre on June 5. Photo by Zarah Escutia / the Advocate

The Jazz Band also featured many guest artists this year, including Peter Martin, Charlie Porter and Jared Sims. Davey said he’s excited to build on the progress of this year. “We’ll look to bring in many guest artists to work with and inspire our students” next year, he added.

In its last few weeks of rehearsal this term, the overall mood of the two bands could be described as busy, if not hectic.

On Wednesday, June 5, the Spring Term Concert featured not only the jazz band, but also MHCC’s Symphonic Band, under the direction of Danielle Davey. The guest artist with the latter was trombonist Joseph Jefferson, visiting from the Southeast Missouri University where he’s the director of jazz studies. 

The ensembles are also preparing to perform at the MHCC commencement. The jazz band will perform before the ceremony, and the Symphonic Band will perform during – including the procession, alma mater, and recession. 

Davey is still in the process of deciding which pieces will be in the lineup next year. Attending various jazz festivals around the country allows him to meet composers and arrangers and discover new music to bring back to MHCC, he said.

Along with the visiting artists, Mt. Hood musicians can expect plenty of master classes, clinics, and performances in store for 2019-20.

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