PSU transfer workshop to be held in Jazz Café

Portland State University is holding a transfer workshop at Mt. Hood Community College on Wednesday, in the Jazz Café.

The event runs 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., with the first hour featuring an admissions information session. It includes information tables with representatives from admissions, housing, residency, advising, career services, and the PSU academic departments. By bringing an official transcript to the event, MHCC students have the opportunity for priority admission into PSU.

“(It’s) extremely important,” said Calvin Walker, academic adviser and transfer adviser liaison for Mt. Hood. Walker himself is a PSU graduate. “A lot of our students will end up going to Portland State University, so this is an opportunity to talk one-on-one, face-to-face.”

The university boasts a 50-acre campus and is located in downtown Portland. Mt. Hood students have the unique opportunity to dual-enroll at PSU and Mt. Hood at the same time. This co-admission enables students to take and apply credits from both colleges towards their associate and bachelor’s degrees. It allows a smooth transition from community college to a larger university.

Walker holds a high regard for education: “The more education we have, the better the possibilities that our lives will land somewhere where we can make a decent living, buy a house, pay for a car, pay (our) bills, and have a family. Those are the gifts, really.”

Anyone interested in learning more about Portland State University is encouraged to attend, and come prepared with questions.


  1. Where is the Jazz Cafe located at Mt Hood Community College?

    • Good question, Joyce. It is the room to your left right before you get to Vista Dining. There is an ATM to your left as you enter.

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