Tips for a smooth start this year

Fall term is underway and new and returning students are flocking to campus. The Advocate would like to welcome back everyone by giving students a few practical tips to making their experience this year a smooth one.

1) Don’t just go to class every day. Get to know your instructor’s style of teaching. It helps to thoroughly go over the syllabus and understand the grading and late work policies. In college, more times than not you won’t be able to go to an instructor at the end of the term and ask for extra credit. Grades are pretty final. If you feel as if you are struggling, go to them and explain your situation and they might be able to make some suggestions about how you can improve your grade.

2) Give yourself plenty of time to get to class. We’re not going to sugar coat it: parking is a nightmare at MHCC. Be prepared to drive in circles if you have class during peak times and allow yourself that extra 15 minutes. There’s a very good chance you will have to walk from the other end of campus.

3) Take advantage of college resources. Can’t figure out what the difference is between a proton and a neutron? The Learning Success Center is upstairs in the Library and it’s free to students. Need a job to help pay those never-ending bills? Go to the Career Planning and Counseling Center. Need to type up a paper? There are two computer labs on campus.

4) Get connected. Like to write, take photos, or design pages? Join The Advocate. Enjoy politics? Apply for a spot on the Associated Student Government team. Have a love of people and encouraging school spirit? The Student Activities Board is always looking for fun people. Being involved in clubs and activities is a great way to make your college experience a memorable one and some of them will help pay for tuition.

5) Stay up to date about changes. Things are constantly changing around here. One day there could be a policy that has been in affect since the ’80s, the next day it’s different. Check regularly for changes on the MHCC website or The Advocate. Better yet, be involved in those changes students have a say in. Attend the forums administrators sponsor, listen to your ASG representatives, and make your voice count all the time.

6) Have fun! There are several amenities available to students on campus for a discounted cost or free. The Aquatic Center has lap and swimming pools students can use for free. Get your hair or nails done with a good discount from the Cosmetology Department. Go work out on state of the art gym equipment in the college’s workout room for free.

These things are not required, but The Advocate recommends them so you will have a good time at MHCC and not just go through the motions of attending classes. So good luck to you all and we wish you an enriching year.
and two aural classes. In aural classes, students learn to hear and read music.

Lambert said that while there is a lot of validity to traditional choral music, he will bring in music from around the world to add to the traditional.
For more information, please contact Kevin Lambert at [email protected].

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