Student Life – organizations that consist of, and support, students – is a significant part of any college campus.

As part of this, a student government ensures that the college administration hears students’ voices and interests. Here at Mt. Hood, the Associated Student Government at MHCC (known as the Associated Students of MHCC, or ASMHCC) also organizes student-led clubs, events, and activities.

Each year a president and vice president are chosen to oversee the student government. This annual election is open to any Mt. Hood student taking six or more credits per term with a GPA of 2.5 or above. That election cycle heads towards its conclusion in May.

While the elected positions atop the student government are open to all students, the time commitments required are rather strenuous.

Required are two-to-five hours a week during the summer, for both the president and vice president. During Fall, Winter, and Spring terms, 20 hours of time is required for the president, and 15 hours for the VP.

While these elected positions require an extensive year-round time commitment, their impacts on the college and student life may be tremendous.

As ASMHCC president or VP, those elected become the main liaison between the college administration and the associated student group. This would include working on strategic planning, leading special committees, overseeing ASG funding, and attending Mt. Hood’s District Board of Education meetings.

Here are upcoming important dates for students to learn about this year’s candidates for the 2023-24 leadership roles:

Wednesday, May 10: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. – Candidate meet & greet in the Student Union

Tuesday, May 16: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. – Candidate meet & greet in the Student Union

May 22-29: Online voting by Mt. Hood students takes place

May 30: Noon – Election results announcement in the Student Union

Many other appointed ASMHCC positions are available that do not require election by fellow students. Among them are the Campus Affairs Representative, responsible for addressing student needs for on-campus services and resources, and the Financial Affairs Representative, overseeing the annual student fee process. For more details, see: https://mhcc.edu/asg/.

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