Will marijuana benefit or harm our community?

The sky is still holding up in Washington and Colorado, the two states that legalized recreational marijuana in 2012. What’s to say it will fall in Oregon? It’s too early to tell what could happen. Since marijuana was voted through this November, we at the Advocate believe things are not likely to change for the worst. The hope is that Mary Jane will be a low-key cousin to liquor and that dangerous or fatal accidents will not increase.

Come to think about it, is it really too early to tell?

Colorado’s Department of Transportation (CDOT) website reports that 5.7 percent of drivers involved in fatal acccidents during 2013 (and in 2012) tested positive for cannabis. That’s a significant decrease from the 8.9 percent reported in 2011.

However this works, no one knows, but the important thing is that since legalization took place in Colorado, statistics appear to be favorable.

Aside from impairing the individual psychologically, pot can cause lung disease, heart problems, immune deficiency, and a number of side effects we have yet to discover; but, we believe that it should not be grouped with the more severe drugs. According to the CDC, and DrugWarFacts.org, there have been zero deaths related to marijuana overdoses. You would need to smoke a shopping cart full to kick the can, maybe.

Alcohol damages the liver and can impair individuals to the point where they have no clue what they are doing. Waking up from a blackout, a person will not remember any events that took place during that point of alcohol consumption. Though marijuana slows cognitive performance and – as new studies have found – can even lower IQ, users who get high can stay aware and adjust accordingly to their situation.

The main idea here is that if marijuana is similar to alcohol, but doesn’t surpass alcohol’s negative consequences, it doesn’t seem reasonable that marijuana is going to wreak more havoc on society.

People who smoke marijuana will smoke marijuana, just like they always have. People who don’t fancy the joint (as with alcohol) will continue merrily on the sober path.

Not only do we believe marijuana will cause negligible damage, it should prove to do more good to society, fiscally. A thriving economy in Colorado and Washington is budding. According to the Washington Post, recreational marijuana is set to be taxed more than medicinal marijuana, and rightly so. Those who need medical marijuana shouldn’t be punished for their ailments.

The major con is that new regulation – and taxes – could still fuel the black market and drug cartels. Before legalization, marijuana has been relatively cheap. People will want to purchase it for the same price. The black market’s hands are still unbound to do its dirty work in gangs and in targeting minors.

According to the Washington Post newspaper, recreational sales have surpassed medical sales in Colorado, bringing in $29.7 million since January 2014. It’s not enough dough to compensate for the billions of tax dollars that have been spent on incarcerating marijuana users, but it is a start.

Legalizing marijuana hasn’t been a senseless act on Oregon’s part.

However, deep at the core, laws aren’t about statistics. They are about morals.

The Advocate agrees with the alarming number of facts that support marijuana reforms, but they don’t make it moral, in some eyes.

Even if pot is less damaging than alcohol or other hard drugs, smoking is not necessarily healthy, obviously. Since our early years of education, we are taught to eat healthy, exercise, practice safe sex or abstinence, and avoid alcohol and drugs of all kinds. To some, these practices are still important. Whether because of our faith, ideologies or our well-being, not supporting marijuana breaks down to a moral complex that goes beyond how much new tax revenue marijuana can rake in.

The question boils down to what is most important: recreational use, economic impact, or moral perspective?

Regardless of the morality or the unhealthy repercussions, we at The Advocate believe that marijuana will not cause any new significant damage from a public health and safety standpoint, except the sickly aroma that will linger everywhere now.


  1. Why does most everyone jump to the automatic, knee-jerk, and FALSE assumption that cannabis impairs drivers much the same as does alcohol? Why let uninformed opinions be the basis of new laws? It took me very little time to do a search, and find actual scientific studies which indicate just how incorrect such an assumption is. Examples follow.

    Studies Show Marijuana Consumption Not Associated With Dangerous Driving, May Lead to Safer Drivers
    Anyone who consumes cannabis on a regular basis knows that it doesn’t make you a dangerous driver. Many people find that it makes them a safer, more focused driver; one that’s more aware of their surroundings and the dangers associated with controlling tons of gasoline-filled metal. Not only has this been an anecdotal truth for as long as cars and cannabis have been paired, science has also been clear that consuming marijuana doesn’t make you a dangerous driver, and may make some people safer drivers. More research is needed, but it’s hard to deny that of the research we have, marijuana hasn’t been found to increase a person’s risk of an accident. To back this claim up, here’s a list of studies and research conducted on this very topic, some of which were funded by national governments in hopes of different results.

    Marijuana and Driving: A Review of the Scientific Evidence
    “Marijuana has a measurable yet relatively mild effect on psychomotor skills, yet it does not appear to play a significant role in vehicle crashes, particularly when compared to alcohol. Below is a summary of some of the existing data.”

    The incidence and role of drugs in fatally injured drivers
    “There was no indication that cannabis by itself was a cause of fatal crashes.”
    REFERENCE: Washington, DC: US Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration,
    Report No. DOT HS 808 065, K. Terhune. 1992.

    Marijuana’s effects on actual driving performance
    “Evidence from the present and previous studies strongly suggests that alcohol encourages risky driving whereas THC encourages greater caution. .. Drivers under the influence of marijuana retain insight in their performance and will compensate when they can, for example, by slowing down or increasing effort. As a consequence, THC’s adverse effects on driving performance appear relatively small.”
    REFERENCE: University of Adelaide study, 1995

    Role of cannabis in motor vehicle crashes
    “There is no evidence that consumption of cannabis alone increases the risk of culpability for traffic crash fatalities or injuries for which hospitalization occurs, and may reduce those risks.. The more cautious behavior of subjects who have received marijuana decreases the impact of the drug on performance, whereas the opposite holds true for alcohol.”
    REFERENCE: Marijuana: On-Road and Driving-Simulator Studies; Epidemiologic Reviews 21: 222-232, A. Smiley. 1999.

    “Both simulation and road trials generally find that driving behaviour shortly after consumption of larger doses of cannabis results in (i) a more cautious driving style; (ii) increased variability in lane position (and headway); and (iii) longer decision times. Whereas these results indicate a ‘change’ from normal conditions, they do not necessarily reflect ‘impairment’ in terms of performance effectiveness since few studies report increased accident risk.”
    REFERENCE: UK Department of Environment, Transport and the Regions (Road Safety Division). 2000.

    Cannabis And Cannabinoids – Pharmacology, Toxicology And Therapy
    “At the present time, the evidence to suggest an involvement of cannabis in road crashes is scientifically unproven”.
    REFERENCE: G. Chesher and M. Longo. 2002.

    Cannabis: Our position for a Canadian Public Policy
    “Cannabis alone, particularly in low doses, has little effect on the skills involved in automobile driving. Cannabis leads to a more cautious style of driving. However it has a negative impact on decision time and trajectory. This in itself does not mean that drivers under the influence of cannabis represent a traffic safety risk”
    REFERENCE: Canadian Senate Special Committee on Illegal Drugs. 2002.

    “The evidence to suggest an involvement of cannabis in road crashes is scientifically unproven.”
    REFERENCE: Cannabis and Cannabinoids: Pharmacology, Toxicology, and Therapeutic Potential, 2002
    Cannabis and Cannabinoids: Pharmacology, Toxicology, and Therapeutic Potential, edited by Franjo Grotenhermen, MD and Ethan Russo, MD (Haworth Press 2002).

    The Prevalence of Drug Use in Drivers, and Characteristics of the Drug-Positive Group
    “There was a clear relationship between alcohol and culpability. In contrast, there was no significant increase in culpability for cannabinoids alone.”
    REFERENCE: Accident Analysis and Prevention 32(5): 613-622. Longo, MC; Hunter, CE; Lokan, RJ; White, JM; and White, MA. (2000a).

    The Effect Of Cannabis Compared With Alcohol On Driving
    “Although cognitive studies suggest that cannabis use may lead to unsafe driving, experimental studies have suggested that it can have the opposite effect.” U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2009

    Why Medical Marijuana Laws Reduce Traffic Deaths
    “No differences were found during the baseline driving segment (and the) collision avoidance scenarios,”
    REFERENCE: Research published in the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 2010

    Top 10 Reasons Marijuana Users Are Safer Drivers
    “20 years of study has concluded that marijuana smokers may actually have fewer accidents than other drivers.”

    Risk of severe driver injury by driving with psychoactive substances
    “The study found that those with a blood alcohol level of 0.12% were over 30 times more likely to get into a serious accident than someone who’s consumed any amount of cannabis. .. The least risky drug seemed to be cannabis and benzodiazepines and Z-drugs.”
    REFERENCE: Accident Analysis & Prevention; Volume 59, October 2013, Pages 346–356

    Cannabis: Summary Report
    “Cannabis alone, particularly in low doses, has little effect on the skills involved in automobile driving.”
    REFERENCE: Canadian Senate Special Committee on Illegal Drugs

    Acute cannabis consumption and motor vehicle collision risk
    “There is no evidence that consumption of cannabis alone increases the risk of culpability for traffic crash fatalities or injuries for which hospitalization occurs, and may reduce those risks.”
    REFERENCE: British Medical Journal, 1999; M. Bates and T. Blakely

    Marijuana-DUI Case Tossed by Arizona Supreme Court in Metabolite Ruling
    “Because the legislature intended to prevent impaired driving, we hold that the ‘metabolite’ reference in [the law] is limited to any of a proscribed substance’s metabolites that are capable of causing impairment . . . Drivers cannot be convicted of the . . . offense based merely on the presence of a non-impairing metabolite that may reflect the prior usage of marijuana.”

    “Stick all *that* in your pipe and smoke it!”

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