Easy ways to help out through the year

Ah yes, it’s Thanksgiving: A time for food, family and celebrating good fortune. However, when we finish sucking the marrow from our turkey and let the food coma sink in, we remember that there are millions who don’t have the privilege of gorging on dessert and yelling at our favorite teams on television.

Hey now, before you turn the page, let’s get it clear that we are not saying you should give up your Thanksgiving. It’s a holiday when you are supposed to cherish what you have and spend it with the people (and food) you love. Those who are in need aren’t going to hold a grudge if you didn’t help out on Thanksgiving.

Many people feel that Thanksgiving is “that time” to help out the homeless and underprivileged, as if that’s the only time they surface. And with that, many people feel guilty around Thanksgiving, specifically for not doing more to better the world.

There are 364 more days in the year to do something, with a myriad of charitable options besides helping out at soup kitchens and homeless shelters. There also are very painless ways to be charitable all year long. It’s crazy how many charities there are, and how many little niches they serve. Basically, if there is something you are passionate about, there is a charity for you.

To name a few, there is the Big Brother Big Sister program where you simply meet with a child who needs a good role model a few times a month to encourage and support them.

Or, you could sponsor a child. This means being paired with an impoverished child from a different country whom you send money to in order to help them eat, get through school, etc.

If humans aren’t your thing, there are a ton of programs dedicated to homeless animals and endangered species. Try the Oregon Humane Society, which declares it is aiming to “end petlessness.”

There is even a charity where you can donate money that goes towards supplying children in hospitals video games, called Child’s Play.

And, hey, if you want to sacrifice your Thanksgiving for charitable purposes, more power to you. We understand that it’s easier to gain sympathy for donations and rally support during a time such as Thanksgiving. We just don’t like the idea that it is often seen as the only time to do something for others.

So, find a donation or program you can give support to frequently, throughout the year. It seriously makes a difference. And you won’t have that empty guilt around the holidays because you didn’t do anything for anyone.

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